Pédagogie du 21eme siècle

Publié le par church


Awesome Graphic on 21st Century Pedagogy


Lorque j'ai regarder le sujet des 21 sècle de pédagogie pour lesquels il y a plusieurs billets dans Educational Technology and Mobile Learning, I come across this awesome graph created par notre collègue Andrew Churches. I couldn't find better and more comprehensive graphic than the one below. Andrew a fait un travail fantastique en capturant la plupart des concepts qui font la pedagogie du 21 eme siècle. I know it could have been richer in information if  definitions or explanatory snippets  were added to some concepts ( like for instance information literacy, media fluency, technology fluency ) but still that does not lesson from its importance as a starting point to ponder on the topic of 21st century pedagogy. For those of you who are not familiar with the terminology included in this graphic please refer back to the posts I have published here a while ago particularly : 14 technology concepts every teacher should know about, and 6 Learning concepts for the 21st century teacher.

Voici le graphique de Mr. Churches .


Publié dans technologie

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